Thursday, August 3, 2017

Blog Stage eight: comment on colleagues work

Alia, i enjoyed reading your post. However, I do feel in some cases the death penalty is the right way to go. In our court system to receive the death penalty there can't be any doubt whether you are guilty or innocent. When an individual receives the death penalty, the jury and judge 100% agrees that that person is responsible for the crime at hand. A life sentence to a serial killer is nothing. He/she won't learn from their mistake. However I do agree with Gandhi's quote but in todays world, sometimes you have to be a bit harsh to get a point across to the world.

Blog post stage seven: Abortion

In the article, Of Course Abortion Should Be a Litmus Test For Democrats, the author, Lindy West, talks about how there are a few democrats supporting anti-abortion and how they need to be pro-choice. You can find republicans who are pro-choice. You can find this situation in both political parties. However, people need to realize what it means to make it illegal to have an abortion. When considering facts of whether or not abortion should be illegal, I think people fail to put themselves in a situation where they needed one. If someone was raped, then yes they should be able to get an abortion with no questions asked. I do not understand why people think that they can have a say about what someone does to their own body. No one will fully understand until they have been in that situation themselves.

I agree with Lindy, I think people should have the choice of what they want to do with their own body. If a women feels that it is necessary to get an abortion for what ever reason she should not be questioned about it. I personally think that it should be easier for women to get an abortion if there was a situation where it was needed. It should not be other people choice what someone does to their body. If a women was in a situation where she had been raped and became pregnant she should have the option of getting an abortion. I do not think men should ever have a vote on what a women does to their body as women should not have a say of what men do to their body. If the roles were switched I think men would feel the same way. Senator Bernie Sanders is right. We have to appreciate the knowledge and access to what we have and support the pro-choice, always.

Blog Stage eight: comment on colleagues work

Alia, i enjoyed reading your post . However, I do feel in some cases the death penalty is the right way to go. In our court system to receiv...