Monday, July 31, 2017

Blog stage six: comment on colleagues work

In this post, Afara A, presents that President Trump should pay more attention to the environment instead of only focusing on the economy. Afara mentions that President Trump is signing an executive order to change President Obama's work on improving our environment in order to save jobs. I do not think President Trump has strong intentions of helping improve our environment, because he does not take climate change very seriously.

While I do agree that President Trump should focus on environmental concerns, I do not think that he should pay less attention to the economical concerns. After all that is how we will run our country. I do believe that President Trump needs to pay more attention to our environment, because it will eventually catch up to us later down the road.
I disagree when Trump said that building a strong economy is the key to protecting the environment. I do not see how this correlates, as these are two different issues that our country faces. I do not agree that President Trump should place an executive order that dismisses all of President Obama’s work to protect the environment. There are other ways to produce more jobs. President Obama's work to protect the environment seems to be working. I believe Trump should focus on producing more jobs in different ways to help improve our economy while improving President Obama's work to improve our environment. Climate change is an issue that our country will always face and President Trump needs to take it more seriously than he is. He needs to take it more into account than he is rather than blowing off this major issue. President Trump should focus on improving our economy while improving our environment.

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Blog Stage eight: comment on colleagues work

Alia, i enjoyed reading your post . However, I do feel in some cases the death penalty is the right way to go. In our court system to receiv...