Monday, July 24, 2017

Stage Four: Gun Control

On the America Blog,  John Aravosis wrote an article called, Scaramucci wants more gun control, and finds Trump’s climate change position “disheartening”, he talks about Anthony Scaranucci's argument of needing more gun control in the United States and that climate change should be taken more seriously because it is a real issue that we face here on Earth. His target audience is liberals who are for gun laws and people who believe in climate change. He mentions that the United States takes up 5% of the world’s population, but the people in the United States make up for 50% of the guns in the world. He also mentions that climate change is legit and that it is not a hoax. People need to become more aware of what will happen in our future with climate.

I agree with Scaranucci, gun control needs to be taken more seriously. The fact that the United States alone accounts for 50% of the guns in the entire world is insane to me. It is very scary to think of how many people have access to guns. With todays day and age most people should not have access to guns. I think that they need to make gun laws more strict and make it very hard to almost impossible to be able to purchase or have access to guns. If we had strict gun laws then most of these attacks and killing that have been happening recently would not happen. I also agree with his statement on climate change. Global warming is real. Whether President Trump believes it is real or it’s a hoax, facts are facts. Scientist have done their research to prove that it is a real thing and people need to become more aware of how they treat our environment. It may not affect us in our lifetime, but it will affect the future generations that our kids could possibly be in. 

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Alia, i enjoyed reading your post . However, I do feel in some cases the death penalty is the right way to go. In our court system to receiv...